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Instructional Coaching DVD's
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Instructional Coaching DVD's
Instructional Baseball DVD's
CoachDeck Baseball Cards
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Baseball CoachDeck cards were created to assist the millions of hard-working youth sports volunteers and parents who would like to help players learn important skills and fundamentals through fun drills and games. The time commitment involved in coaching is enormous, and sometimes it is not possible to thoroughly prepare for each practice.
Designed by professional coaches, the CoachDeck baseball drills can be performed by players from 6-16 and are laid out in a fast, easy-to-understand format that allows you to conduct an extremely effective practice with little or no preparation.
Inside each baseball deck you will find 52 color-coded baseball drills covering infield, outfield, baserunning and hitting. The nearly infinite number of drill combinations you can create means your players will never get tired of the same old practice.
Nearly every drill contains a unique, "Make it a Game" feature that will ensure your players want practice to go on forever. Each Deck also contains two double-sided instructional cards on Safety, Terminology, Practice and How to Use CoachDeck.
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